Monday, December 24, 2012


This weekend’s box office supports the idea that Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones may be the adventure hero of this (or any) century. Seriously, who can compare? Sylvester Stallone? Steven Seagal? Maybe Mel Gibson? I have to cast my vote for Indiana. He stands up to every challenge — even the fact that his movies were not considered for DVD sale until 20 years later! As times change, however, I wonder how Indy would do in a job outside the confines of archeology? Say, sales for instance. How would our hero fair with the sometimes lonely, always changing, often challenging world of sales. I think not so well. In this case, my vote would have to change. We would need a new hero, and I vote for Matt Damon as Jason Bourne. Bourne combines all the elements needed in a tough selling environment: He’s an excellent fighter — good for those buyers who won’t sign the deal! He’s in great physical shape — able to run from office to office. He’s resourceful — whether making bombs out of toasters or selling value in the face of price concerns. And the big one — Bourne was smarter than Indy under fire, and in today’s market smart wins!

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